What if we made our air like we make our light ?
Research is publishing on an almost weekly basis validating our body's need for the Sun's energy. Just to be clear, we're talking about ALL of the sun's energy, not just a "blue", or cyan, or 480nm or any other magic wavelength.
We need the sun's energy like we need air and water but we are certainly not getting it the same way. According to research we now spend over 92% of our time indoors ( pre-pandemic), out of the sun.
Indoors, we get air, and we get water but they are naturally occuring. We duct air in, we pipe water in... but we actually make our lighting. Fortunately we don't make our air or water ( unless you're living on a nuclear submarine).
What if we made our air ?? What if we made our air and the codes and standards were more focused on how much energy the "air maker" consumed rather than the air that is made ?
What if our new energy-saving "air maker" got value engineered to save a few bucks? Let's say this cheaper "air maker" is energy saving, cost less and meh... no biggie, it just takes the oxygen atoms and rather than making O2 ( oxygen) it adds just (1) extra atom and makes O3 instead?
It goes from life sustaining oxygen to poisonous ozone. It's still invisible, has a slightly different odor, but all in all other than being poisonous, it's hard to tell the difference just by looking at it, AND it meets all of the ASHRAE requirements for air power density !

Now let's look at the current state of LED lighting. The vast majority of us are not working on a nuclear submarine, so our offices/schools/ homes etc. have naturally occuring air, naturally occuring water, and yet we're making the light.
Unfortunately, we're making it like the example above. To the naked eye it looks like "light" , for most people its hard to tell the difference just by looking at it, and it meets all of the ASHRAE requirements for lighting power density.
However, our body knows. We have hundreds of bodily systems, and functions and that depend on the sun's energy, both visible light and non-visible ( infrared & UV). While we'll never be able to completely replicate the actual energy of the sun indoors, we can do a heck of a lot better than we have been to date.
Here's a thought... energy efficiency certainly matters but efficiency at what cost ? A quick google search defines "efficient" as being able to do something well and successfully without wasting time , energy or resource. At what point do we wakeup and realize the spectrum isn't wasted, and eliminating it for energy savings is no longer efficiency, it's DEFICIENCY.
Spectrum of the Mid-Day Sun Spectrum of Typical White LED
