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Alzheimer's + light's healing powers

PHOTOBIOMODULATION: a non-surgical procedure that uses red or near infrared light to stimulate, preserve and regenerate cells and tissues.

"Photo" - the prefix "photo" means "light" or "relating to light", from the Greek word phos.

"Bio" - means "to live" or "of living things"

"Modulation" - In the context of cells, "modulation" means to adjust or change the activity or function of a cellular process

** all the above according to Google/AI

Here's another published paper suggesting therapeutic, infrared energy has the potential to show improvements in Alzheimer's patients conditions as well as many others.

Click on graphic to review the full paper

For non-scientists, like myself, neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's etc. are all characterized by inflammation and hyperperfusion (lack of blood flow). Near infrared energy reduces inflammation and is a vasodilator (increases blood flow). A simple explanation for an incredibly complex problem.

The paper is not just limited to Alzheimer's. It refers to potential benefit in many other conditions like Parkinson's, stroke, treatment of mild and moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI), including Concussions.

One thing to consider, as people, we have evolved over thousands of years in the shaded sun during the day. While 50% of the sun's spectrum that makes it through our atmosphere is infrared, it increases to 75% in the shade due to grass, dirt, etc. absorbing visual light and reflecting infrared. 75% of the sun's energy in our natural state is infrared!!

Now consider, we spend over 92% of our lives indoors under now predominantly LED lighting that is 100% visual light and 0% infrared. It's a very unnatural state for our body, and even though we can't "see" it, our body can. Draw your own conclusion for now.

Here's a list of other potential areas where Photobiomodulation (use of red & near infrared energy) may prove beneficial. It's pretty wide ranging...



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